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Kendra Parker (1466 x 768 px) (6).png
My Story


I spent the last 18+ years working in People & Culture, most recently helping a global IT organization earn tons of awards & accolades for their best-in-class Employee Experience strategy. I know people, and I know what motivates them, and trust me; it’s not a generic purpose statement.


I work with organizations and individuals looking to humanize the workplace, to create programs and policies that put their people at the center. 


As a consultant, I specialize in helping businesses grow by bringing creative solutions to complex challenges. Whether it’s navigating the future of work or redefining your employee experience strategy, I’m here to make things happen                   you.



If you believe in the power of people and culture to positively impact business performance, let's chat!





My Story

It’s all about sharing insights

that spark growth and creativity,

and finding inspiration
          other Like-Minded Radicals.



I started my podcast, after completing a Master Program in Conscious Business.  I am insanely curious and I wanted to understand why I, and so many others, felt that the corporate experience was falling a little flat. I seek to understand what exactly is broken, in the hope we can one day fix it.


Every week I interview business & people leaders, entrepreneurs, and everyday folks who have found a way to "do it, differently". We hear how they have designed a "role for their soul," and inevitably get inspired by the endless possibilities for ourselves. 


The podcast is aimed at leaders and individuals alike, who recognize this angst and are ready to pave the way to a better workplace experience.


Together, we explore what it's going to take to redefine the meaning of work, rewrite the rules, and build a world of work where we're thriving, not just surviving. 


Are you ready to get a little bit radical           us?

My Story


The reality is however, our corporate environments don’t always meet the needs of every one.  Entrepreneurship is at an all time high. More and more folks are choosing to go it alone.  But, it's lonely!


So for those who march to the beat of a different drum (Hi! It’s me!), I’m striving to create an Employee-like experience, but without the awkward photo badge & employee number.


We were meant to connect and collaborate with others; to work together, grow together and share our triumphs and tribulations,                each other. 


That's why I've created IN OFFICE DAYS,  ongoing opportunities for solopreneurs and small business founders to come together, find their tribe and connect with other Like-Minded Radicals who are as passionate about their businesses, as you are yours.


This is not your father's Networking Group. Instead, we focus on collaboration and making tangible momentum in your business every time we meet. Our goal is to ensure you're walking away feeling restored & inspired, not bored & tired. 


Are you ready to find your people? 


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